
  1. 身份证或者护照复印件
  2. 住址证明包括姓名,详细地址,水电费或者电话费之类的单据

Belize, as a Central American country, has been actively maintaining relations with countries around the world. Since becoming an organization member of the American countries, Belize has been committed to developing tourism, which has also attracted many foreign-funded enterprises to register companies, which has greatly stimulated the economic growth of Belize. What are the advantages of registered Belize ? We will briefly introduce today

Brief introduction of Belize :

Belize is a Central American country whose official language is Britain. Its name comes from the river of the country. Belize is economically dominated by forestry, supplemented by fisheries. Belize ' s agriculture is dominated by sugar, bananas and citrus. Clothing and marine fish exports have also increased in recent years. In addition, Belize has formulated an economic development plan to exempt Belize and foreign investors from transaction tax in the next 15 years.

About the geographical position of Belize :

Belize is adjacent to Mexico ’ s Ugandan Peninsula and also borders Guatemala. Rainforest accounts for 65 % of the area. International airports are close to Belize, Houston, New Orleans, Miami, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and other flights to Belize. Daily shipping services from the United States to Central America.

About the advantages of Belize registered company :

The registration of Belize ' s overseas companies is very fast and convenient, which also makes Belize a new duty-free company registration. Belize ’ s fast registration is because it only needs one shareholder to register. No nationality restrictions. Individuals who are directors / shareholders of the company may. It also does not need to appoint company secretary, agent certificate and good reputation certificate. The company ' s name choice is also very extensive, can choose English company name or Chinese and English company name. Belize has a clear tax exemption for overseas companies. There is no need to submit annual reports and annual financial statements. Belize ' s company will not be bound by the relevant norms of the information exchange agreement signed by the United States and Britain.

Information required for Belize registration :

1.Copy of ID card or passport

2. Address certificates include documents such as names, detailed addresses, utilities or telephone charges

The applicant will receive the following documents upon submission to the Belize Registry

1. Three articles of incorporation

2. Certificate of incorporation

3.Two registered stocks

4. Two unnamed shares

5. First Director Appointment

6. One steel stamp

7. Signature

Three of these articles of association and company registration certificates are sample