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1. Types of Danish patent applications

1. Invention patents : Denmark 's patent application process is similar to that of China and requires publication and substantive review of the application.

2. Utility model patents : Danish utility model patents are similar in scope of protection to China and can only be granted products and equipment, not methods and applications.

3. Design patent : Danish design patent application process is relatively simple and fast. After the applicant submits an application for a design patent, the competent authority conducts a formal review of the application. The novelty can also be searched by the applicant.

2. Denmark Patent Application Review System

1.Invention patents

The Patent Office will conduct a formal review of Danish patent applications and issue a review report within 6 – 10 months after the application. The applicant should respond to the review report within 6 months. After meeting the requirements, novelty retrieval and substantive review will be conducted. The application will be made public 18 months after the date of application or priority, followed by a substantive review. When Danish patent applications meet all requirements, the patent will be granted.

2. Patents for utility models

Danish utility model patents are applicable to Greenland, but not to the Faroe Islands. In general, utility model patents are subject to formal review only, unless the Danish patent applicant requests substantive review, mainly novelty and creativity. After review, the utility model patent certificate will be issued.

3. Design patents

After the formal review meets the requirements, it is usually allowed to register within 4 weeks.