





审查流程:专利局将对申请文件的形式以及商标是否有注册性进行严格的审查。但不对该商标之前是否存在相同或类似的注册或申请进行审查。对商标的注册性进行 审查后,对于有注册性的商标予以刊登商标公告。在公告期3个月内,任何相同或相似商标的主持人或在先申请人都可以提出异议,由专利局作出裁定。

官方回执时间: 4周







Qualification of applicant : Any natural or legal person may apply for a registered trademark. Applicants who do not have a place of business in Germany can apply for trademark protection in Germany according to law only if they accept German trademarks in the country where they have a place of business and give the same treatment as their own trademarks.


Documents required for application :

1. Trademark pattern.

2. List of goods and services.

3. Foreign applicants are also required to provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate of the State of origin, which is not required to certify reciprocal national citizens who grant German citizenship privileges.


Review process : Patent Office will strictly review the form of application documents and whether the trademark is registered. However, the existence of the same or similar registration or application prior to the trademark is not examined. After examining the registration of trademarks, trademark announcements are published for registered trademarks. Within three months of the announcement period, any moderator or prior applicant of the same or similar trademark may raise objections and the Patent Office shall decide.


Official callback time : 4 weeks

Registration time : 3-6 months

Registration validity : 10 years, from the next day of the application.


The renewal of trademark : the application for renewal can be submitted within 2 months after the expiration of the period. If the fee has not been paid after the period, the ultimatum of payment punishment will be issued. If the renewal fee has not been paid within 6 months or one month after the ultimatum, the registration will be revoked.


Note :

1. Cases need to be quoted according to specific cases.

2. The cost will be adjusted for exchange rate or other reasons, the above costs are reference prices, specific costs please call for consultation.