


  ⑴ 为什么要申办商标注册?


  ⑵ 在德国申请注册商标的好处?

  1、更有利于品牌宣传 德国被公认为欧洲四大经济体当中最为优秀的国家,经济实力居欧洲首位,是当今欧洲乃至世界一流的强国。德国是世界第四大经济体、世界第二大商品出口国和第三大商品进口国,同时在医学研究、技术创新等多个领域中处于世界领先地位,汽车和机械制造、化工、电气等部门是支柱产业,占全部工业产值的40%以上。其他如食品、纺织与服装、钢铁加工、采矿、精密仪器、光学、以及航空与航天工业也很发达。

  2、更有利于贸易往来 国内与的贸易,可以预防第三人抢注,一旦发生此类事件,带来的损失是无可弥补的。即便是通过其他法律手段来解决,也会消耗大量的人力、财力及时间,得不偿失。

3、保护在内地具有一定名气的品牌 随着经济的发展,中国与世界各地的贸易往来越来越紧密,为了杜绝辛苦创立起来的品牌被别人冒用,搭便车的行为,应及时注册保护。

German trademark is the mark or logo used by Germany in products or services. German trademark is a registered trademark protected in Germany registered by the German Patent and Trademark Office ( DPMA ) according to law.


The advantages of registered German trademark :

( 1 ) Why apply for trademark registration ?

Once your trademark is registered, you can have the exclusive right to use the trademark for the goods and services concerned. If other merchants use the trademark in Germany for the same or similar goods or services without your consent, it is an infringement, and you may take legal action thereon. If the trademark is not registered, it is difficult to prove that you are the ' owner ' of the trademark, and you have limited protection.


( 2 ) Benefits of applying for registered trademarks in Germany ?

1, more conducive to brand promotion Germany is recognized as the best country among the four major European economies, economic strength in Europe first, is today Europe and the world-class power. Germany is the world ’ s fourth largest economy, the world ’ s second largest exporter of goods and the third largest importer of goods. At the same time, it is in a leading position in many fields such as medical research and technological innovation. The automobile and mechanical manufacturing, chemical industry, electrical and other sectors are the pillar industries, accounting for more than 40 % of the total industrial output value. Others such as food, textile and clothing, steel processing, mining, precision instruments, optics, and aviation and aerospace industries are also very developed.

2, more conducive to trade with domestic trade, can prevent third party rush, in the event of such events, the loss is irreparable. Even through other legal means, it will consume a lot of manpower, financial resources and time.

3. Protection of brands with a certain reputation in the mainland With the development of economy, China ' s trade with the rest of the world is getting closer and closer. In order to prevent the hard-founded brands from being used by others and free-rider behavior, we should register and protect them in time.