




German Trademark Office German Patent Office German Trademark Registration Qualification According to German Trademark Law, trademark registration applicants may be enterprises, institutions, social organizations, industrial and commercial persons or natural persons in any country or region. German trademark registration protection object text, letters, numbers, graphics, sound, stereo, etc. Trademarks cannot be protected without registration. When applying for trademark pattern, it is necessary to provide a pattern that wishes to be protected. If the font in the text trademark is not commonly used by the Patent Office, such as a graphic design trademark, or a combination trademark and a specified color trademark, four drawings must be provided. If color protection is needed, color must be specified in the application.


Germany does not allow the performance of trademark registration procedures as a means of monopolizing trademark rights, that is, allowing only registration without use. The registered trademark is revoked if it is not used in trade activities for five consecutive years after registration. However, the Patent and Trademark Office does not take the initiative to check whether the trademark is used, nor does it take the initiative to revoke unused registered trademarks. Only when a third party disputes the validity of the trademark on the grounds of non-use, it checks whether it is used and decides whether to revoke it.


Germany registered and protected service trademarks after 1979. Registered protection is also provided for certification trademarks.


In terms of international trademark protection, Germany has participated in such international conventions as ' Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks ', ' Madrid Agreement on Sanctions for False or Deceptive Marks of Commodity Origin ', ' Protection of the Name of Origin and Its International Registration Lisbon Agreement ' and ' Niss Agreement '.