Q : How much does Congolese trademark registration cost ?
Answer : Congolese trademark registration involves official fees and agency fees. For specific prices, please contact Yichen International Foreign Trademark Registration Customer Service Commissioner ; costs include official fees for application, agency fees for the company, and postage fees for the exchange of documents, excluding taxes, and processing fees in case of unexpected trademark applications ( e.g. trademark defense, trademark review, submission of trademark use certificates, etc. ).
Q : What is the Congo trademark inquiry fee ?
Answer : Congo ’ s trademark inquiry is not necessary. If the trademark inquiry is to be made, the corresponding trademark inquiry fee should be paid. For the specific price, please contact Yichen International Foreign Trademark Registration Customer Service Commissioner.
Q : What are the conditions for Congo trademark registration ?
Answer : The Trademark Office of the Congo does not impose too many restrictions on the applicant. As for the applicant ’ s requirements, it only needs to submit the applicant ’ s main body certificate. For example, if the Congolese trademark is applied in the name of an individual, it needs to submit a copy of the individual ’ s identity card / passport. If the Congolese trademark is applied in the name of an enterprise, it can submit a copy of the enterprise ’ s business license. In addition, it is the normative requirements for trademark registration, such as the size of the trademark pattern, the filling of the trademark application form, etc. In general, as a trademark agency, their agents will help do as required.
Q : How long will the Congolese trademark registration take ?
Answer : Under smooth conditions, the time span of Congolese trademark registration is 9-12 months, including the five stages of submission of trademark applications, acceptance of trademark applications, trademark review, trademark notice and receipt of trademark certificates. If there are trademark correction, trademark rejection and trademark objection in the application or review process, the corresponding time process will appear according to the actual processing.